Monday, September 04, 2006

Missing In Action

Just a quick post to let you, my adoring public know that Mummy and I are going into sleep school today, a day early. We will be incognito untill the weekend. If you need to talk to Mummy you can call her on her mobile or talk to Daddy and he will pass on any messages.
Members on The International League of Infant Anarchists, pray for me!


Anonymous said...

Good luck Walter my fearless cousin! We will fight them in the bedrooms, we will fight them in the sleep schools, but they will NEVER, NEVER defeat us!(Untill we hit about twelve months and decide that this sleeping at night bit is well , rather vital to our happiness and well being during the day!)

Anonymous said...

Be VERY, VERY careful with this
sleep school stuff ... otherwise you might end up like your 2nd Favourite Aunt, sleeping 22-23 hours a day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Mum, what the? You aren't actually meant to comment. Go and do something worthwhile! Email me.