Thursday, August 31, 2006

In the swim of things

I had my first swimming lesson today with my friends from our Belco mum's group.....I never knew that water could be that big, that warm, that splashy! (considering my sole experiences have been the bath and my sipper cup.) I was having a whale of a time, until they insisted that I put my head under, then it all fell to pieces and Mummy and I retired to the side of the pool for some 'aqua boobie'.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

In other news...

Just a quick update on Kate and her irritable uterus.....Baby Whitaker is still firmly in place at Casa Ute- much to Kate and Doug's disgust.
And we say good bye to Aunty Virgina who is going back to the U.K today.


Well, the inevitable has happened, Mummy (or rather, Mummy's boss Neralie) found me a childcare place. Which means that this poor little sensitive being that I am will have to attend that institution 'Jellybeans' (what, do they think that giving it a fun name is going to distract us from the fact that it is nothing but a glorified salt mine?) three days a week, whilst Mummy swans off to look after other people's children. (Silly Mummy wrote a policy before she realized that she was going to have me, saying that I wasn't allowed to go to work with her.)
I plan to catch every communicable disease in the book in an effort to punish Mummy and Daddy for this. Just you wait, colds, flus, gastro, conjunctivitis, hand foot and mouth, slapped cheek disease, menigicochal, you name it!

Psst, I do have to admit though, that it did look like fun crawling around with all the other babies.....

Monday, August 28, 2006

Keep your legs crossed for Kate!

One of Mummy's bestest friends in the whole wide world has just gone into premature labour with her third child. Her first daughter, Isabella (Mummy's god daughter, which I think makes her my god sister) was born at 24 weeks gestation, so Aunty Kate is an old hat at this Irritable Uterus thing (You think her uterus is should see the rest of her! Boom Boom!) This bub has hung out in Casa Ute for a whole 32 weeks, but should probably sit down, shut up and hang on for a few weeks more. So cross your legs and fuse your cervix in a gesture of support... and stay tuned for more updates from your Irritable Uterus network!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Voting is compulsory, people!

I'm not going to post until you vote in my poll. Come on, babies of the world unite.....we wont know what is the best way to bring the adult establishment down until we do some research!
P.S. Mummy went to the Baby & Kids 2nd hand market today and said to tell Felix's Mummy that there was Lego as far as the eye could see, just waiting to be liberated and given a good home!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Ten

To my dear Aunty Ten,
Happy Birthday to the giver of great presents, the unofficial and impromptu labour support person (you would think that the things she saw in that short couple of hours would have put her off childrearing for life!) and all round party animal (Mummy claims she can put away more wine than anyone we know).
Wishing you a happy and fufilling thirtieth year....I still think I need to come over to your place for a sleep over sometime....
Love Walter

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Heart Mum's Groups

Here in the land of three wheeler prams, we have a most wonderful social structure...the Mum's Group. Mummy and I just have to say that we love you! Mummy is what is commonly known as 'a Mum's group whore'. Not to be content with just the one little group of Mums and Bubs, we go to two groups each week. On Thursdays we go to our Belco group and hang out at each others houses. On Fridays we go to Tilley's to meet with our Inner North group and have coffee and cake.
Each group rocks in its own unique way.....The Inner North group are for Mummy, like hanging out with her sisters and you guys made her and Daddy lots of wonderful food when she was really struggling with me. I also enjoy chewing on the arms of Luca, Hamish the Hamster, Felix, Max, Isabelle, Callum, Samantha, Mika The Belco group reminds Mummy more of hanging out with her friends from Boarding School, the conversation is a little more X-rated and nothing is sacred! When we go there I get to flirt with Eleanor, Tamika and Ella and compare beefcake status with Logan, Jack, Luke and Lachlan. Either way, both groups offer such great support and friendship.
Anyway that's all Mummy and I wanted to say before we go to bed....We love you and are glad you're all part of our weekly routine!

The Sleep of the Damned

Once upon a time, when I was little, I used to sleep. Not so much during the day, but I would regularly indulge in a good seven or eight hour stretch every night - hell- one crazy night I even slept for ten hours! But then when I was about 12 weeks old, I learnt the joy of keeping Mummy up at night. Suddenly I found I could wake up five, six, even seven times a night, just for the sheer joy of seeing the lunacy in Mummy's eyes by 4am. I loved Zombie Mama, who drifted through the day in a haze of fatigue, tears and 'The World's Worst Mother' guilt. I loved seeing Daddy shudder with resignation when he came home from work, having to deal with Zombie Mama (any grown up out there knows that there's nothing that promotes marital harmony like sleep deprivation!)
Zombie Mama was way too tired to figure a way out of this hell that I had created, so she got up to me every hour on the hour, fed me and faithfully rocked me back to sleep. That was until our holiday at Nanna's. A few days of Nanna-Love and Mummy was like a different person. She was like The Energiser Bunny with fresh batteries!
And here's the worst bit..... She started letting me cry myself to sleep! The hide of it! Letting a sensitive, delicate little soul like myself go to sleep all on my little lonesome! And if that wasn't enough to wound a baby's pride....I generally drop off to sleep within ten minutes! I have salvaged some degree of self respect, by still managing to wake up four times a night, but this is tempered by the fact that they keep putting me back to bed!
My gorgeous hunk of a Daddy got up to me last night, leaving Mummy to indulge in some much longed for sleep, which means that Mummy is practically bouncing off walls with energy this morning.

So, obviously this form of breaking the parent's spirits isn't working.....Need to research methods of Chinese Water Torture....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


(To all those concerned loved ones, Daddy's at home too, so its Okay.)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My dear and darling, gorgeous and divine mother has just returned from a shopping trip at the local Westfield on the verge of a nervous breakdown and treated Daddy and myself to a flood of tears. She was sent out, with ample funds in hand to buy herself some new clothes, however after trying on a multitude of outfits she returned home empty handed (well almost empty handed... I scored remarkably well out of her little excursion!) Mummy felt, rightly or wrongly that everything was hideously unflattering or just plain didn't fit and came away ready to perform liposuction on herself with a rusty steak knife.
Can anyone suggest where Mummy can procure some new groovy threads that are affordable, funky and flattering to her 'mummy tummy'? (Something for which I take no responsibility for...when I was in residence things were all firm and taut. I think she needs to reassess her love affair with stick date pudding.)

Monday, August 21, 2006

South of the border, down Mexico way

Well, we're finally back from Nanna's place. Who would have thought that I had sooooo many aunties, great-aunties, uncles, great uncles and first, second and third cousins! I swear Mummy and Nanna were introducing me to someone or other at every waking moment! Mummy took me out into the country to see some sheep and watch some first class country football, Nanna took me to St Vinnies to show me to her friends and Claudie kept asking when I was going to grow some hair. But I tell takes it out of a boy to smile and laugh as much as I did, yes I have to say, I was the most charming and gregarious baby around. My cousin Clancy practiced her acupressure on my head and cousin Lil wanted to see if I could bungee jump off the couch - but hey, its the price you pay for having a big family (and they tell me there's even more on Daddy's side of the family).
Mummy, Daddy and Nanna have banded together to do something funny to my sleep routine....I'm too deeply traumatized to discuss it yet, I'll post about it when my therapist and I have 'processed my issues'.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Scenic I come! Mummy and I are going away tomorrow to stay with Nanna and Claudie for a few days. Apparently there are a whole heap of aunties and uncles, cousins and dogs that I need to meet and greet....better get my shmoozing boots on! I have an inkling that Mummy wants to go and be looked after by Nanna...but I'm sure I can play up enough to put an end to that! Shall we start taking bets on how long it will be until I give her a nervous breakdown, because she feels that I'm not being 'The Perfect Baby' and making her look like 'The World's Worst Mother' (herein known as T.P.B and T.W.W.M)? (Mummy has quite a complex about being T.W.W.M...... God I wish she'd get over it!)
I might be able to post from Casa Grandparents, if I can reach the keyboard. Actually, do you realize how hard it is to type when you only have a handspan of 4.5cms?
Anyway, I really should go and cry while T.W.W.M attempts to pack the 3 ton of stuff we need to go away.
Smell you later!


Goodmorning loved ones, friends and contemporaries.
I have a cold....And strange emissions from the nappy region. Why do I feel the need to share this with you? Mummy claims that as an adult, you're never really sick until your mother knows (Hi Nanna!)....So I guess that due to the fact both Mummy and Daddy know (oh, how they know!) that I am not my usual chipper and bushy tailed self, I need to announce it to the world! I do have to say though that all the snot accumulation and heavy breathing makes me sound like a small,white, yet diabolical Darth Vader (and if anyone suggests that 'Oh, he's obviously teething', Mummy will unleash a Bonjela flavoured can of 'whoop' on your arse!)

Monday, August 14, 2006

More scenes of debauchery

What Mummy and Daddy did on Saturday night....or How Emma earned the easiest $50 of her life.

Abandoned! Abandoned I tell you! Those grown ups of mine, those dear and darling parents went out on Saturday night....without me!. Unkie Big Gay Al, Princess Sal and Auntie Colette hosted a party with the mostest at the Civic Pub. Apparently Unkie Nathan grew some 'truly wicked' facial hair and everyone else wore a hell of a lot of polyester. The Gorgeous Miss Emma from Mummy's work came and looked after me- or so they tell me. I decided, quite uncharacteristically to sleep, and stay asleep through the whole event, so didn't get to play with The Gorgeous Miss Emma at all. Both Mummy and Daddy were 'somewhat subdued' the next day.....I wonder why?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Welcome to Walter's World

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears! The time has come, at the ripe old age of 4 and a bit months to launch myself into cyberspace and the world of Blogs. My Mummy has been muttering for a while now that I needed a know to just get myself 'out there' and well, lets face it- I'm not getting any younger. These toothless good looks won't hang around for ever, you know.
So hopefully I will be able to entertain the world at large (or at least Mummy, Daddy and auntie Kathryn!) and keep inciting anarchy amongst my friends (Yes, you Felix!). That is, in-between short lived naps, fighting with Mummy's boobs and plotting world destruction!