Thursday, August 10, 2006

Welcome to Walter's World

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears! The time has come, at the ripe old age of 4 and a bit months to launch myself into cyberspace and the world of Blogs. My Mummy has been muttering for a while now that I needed a know to just get myself 'out there' and well, lets face it- I'm not getting any younger. These toothless good looks won't hang around for ever, you know.
So hopefully I will be able to entertain the world at large (or at least Mummy, Daddy and auntie Kathryn!) and keep inciting anarchy amongst my friends (Yes, you Felix!). That is, in-between short lived naps, fighting with Mummy's boobs and plotting world destruction!


Anonymous said...

Hi Walter, thanks for the easy $50
when ever Mummy and Daddy want to hit the town I'm always available. Love the pictures

Anonymous said...

Walty ole pal, you've beat me to it with your blog. Mine's not ready yet. I have enjoyed reading all about your sleeping tricks and have been studiously taking notes. Inciting anarchy you are!!! PS: I'm still enjoying your play gym but I can have mummy return it whenever you like. Oh - and I had that damn cold too. I guess we do like to share theses things - what are friends for???