Well, the inevitable has happened, Mummy (or rather, Mummy's boss Neralie) found me a childcare place. Which means that this poor little sensitive being that I am will have to attend that institution 'Jellybeans' (what, do they think that giving it a fun name is going to distract us from the fact that it is nothing but a glorified salt mine?) three days a week, whilst Mummy swans off to look after other people's children. (Silly Mummy wrote a policy before she realized that she was going to have me, saying that I wasn't allowed to go to work with her.)
I plan to catch every communicable disease in the book in an effort to punish Mummy and Daddy for this. Just you wait, colds, flus, gastro, conjunctivitis, hand foot and mouth, slapped cheek disease, menigicochal, you name it!
Psst, I do have to admit though, that it did look like fun crawling around with all the other babies.....
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