Here in the land of three wheeler prams, we have a most wonderful social structure...the Mum's Group. Mummy and I just have to say that we love you! Mummy is what is commonly known as 'a Mum's group whore'. Not to be content with just the one little group of Mums and Bubs, we go to two groups each week. On Thursdays we go to our Belco group and hang out at each others houses. On Fridays we go to Tilley's to meet with our Inner North group and have coffee and cake.
Each group rocks in its own unique way.....The Inner North group are for Mummy, like hanging out with her sisters and you guys made her and Daddy lots of wonderful food when she was really struggling with me. I also enjoy chewing on the arms of Luca, Hamish the Hamster, Felix, Max, Isabelle, Callum, Samantha, Mika et.al. The Belco group reminds Mummy more of hanging out with her friends from Boarding School, the conversation is a little more X-rated and nothing is sacred! When we go there I get to flirt with Eleanor, Tamika and Ella and compare beefcake status with Logan, Jack, Luke and Lachlan. Either way, both groups offer such great support and friendship.
Anyway that's all Mummy and I wanted to say before we go to bed....We love you and are glad you're all part of our weekly routine!
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