Scenic Wahgunyah...here I come! Mummy and I are going away tomorrow to stay with Nanna and Claudie for a few days. Apparently there are a whole heap of aunties and uncles, cousins and dogs that I need to meet and greet....better get my shmoozing boots on! I have an inkling that Mummy wants to go and be looked after by Nanna...but I'm sure I can play up enough to put an end to that! Shall we start taking bets on how long it will be until I give her a nervous breakdown, because she feels that I'm not being 'The Perfect Baby' and making her look like 'The World's Worst Mother' (herein known as T.P.B and T.W.W.M)? (Mummy has quite a complex about being T.W.W.M...... God I wish she'd get over it!)
I might be able to post from Casa Grandparents, if I can reach the keyboard. Actually, do you realize how hard it is to type when you only have a handspan of 4.5cms?
Anyway, I really should go and cry while T.W.W.M attempts to pack the 3 ton of stuff we need to go away.
Smell you later!
Looking forward to catching up with you this week Walter! Love, Cousin Clancy XXX
PS: Gee us babies of the 21st century are good with a keyboard and mouse eh!?
mum said u were cute...hope 2 c u sunday walter.
love, your cousin jess
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