Okay, dear readers, I love you and all that, and appreciate you visiting The Wonderful World of Walter, but you all really suck at commenting. I ask you questions and get nothing- zip, zilch, nada! Should I change the aesthetics of the blog?.....no response. How have you been driving your parents insane?.....deafening silence!

Come on feed a small boy's ego and leave me a comment!
Well let's see if it works this time!
Hi Wal, this is your old man here saying a big hello. in regads to your questions i would suggest trying to make the comment button bigger and even include a comment link adjacent to the question, as opposed to at the end of the posting. I hope I haven't used too many big words for you to understand, I would've tried to use single syllabol words but i am not smart enough.
Ok that worked! Hi Wal, this is ur godfather (cue Darth Vader breathing) - just a quickie to say the site is tops & I promise to stop just reading & start doing some writing!! PS - don't let those drink spiking folks of urs pressure u into putting anymore photos of me passed out on the couch!
Hi Walter
Its Eleanor - Mum is busy cooking tea so I thought I grab the computer. I always love your blog entries, but Mum doesn't let me on the computer to comment. Something about the fact that I have this desire to look at the infra red light under the wireless mouse. Apparently it damages your eyes - yeah right, adults don't know how to have any fun.
Oh, I have recovered from my chair experience - must remember they move and fall over if pulled suddenly... so many things to learn...
See you tomorrow at Logan's place.
luv Eleanor xo
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