As a baby, and a functional member of infant-kind, people seem to be always interested in how I'm going re. reaching my developmental milestones. You know, all the friends who ask "So, is he crawling yet?...No? Well my son was standing at 5 1/2 months!" "So, I guess Walter must be walking around, keeping you on your toes...No?...Well my niece was walking at 7 months" (You get the picture.) I am happy to say that I rolled at 11 weeks, I sat unassisted at 6 1/2 months, crawled at 10 months and can now pull up to a standing position, provided there's a piece of furniture there, or Nellie stands still.
Mummy, however tends to place far more importance on some more obscure milestones. Such as: first time I vomited on Daddy, first flushable poo,first temper tantrum, first time I tried to put on her shoes and the first time I used the remote control as a telephone. I dread to think what milestones lay ahead in the future- first time I bite one of my friends, first time I scream "You're not the boss of me!" or the first time I come home drunk and try to pretend I'm sober and that me and Lachlan were just watching videos?
I'm sure that Mummy, with her years of early childhood training knows what she's talking about, but are these really the things that the clinic sisters will be looking for at my next check up?
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go flush Daddy's keys down the toilet.
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