Tamika lent me her rocking horse, which is kinda fun.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Have horse and pyjamas, will travel
Just a quick pictorial update, seeing as the cyber world hasn't seen much of me lately.

And Aunty Ten bought me some big boy jamies (amongst other things - thanks Ten)....They have buttons....I love buttons.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Her Cheating Heart

For quite some time now, I've had a sneaking suspicion that Mummy may be cheating on me. You know little looks at other babies in the supermarket, lingering cuddles with my friends from Mum's group. Now I have proof!
The other day, Mummy bundled me in the car as if we were going to daycare, but instead of going to see the one remaining Manda, Renee, Louise and all my posse at my daycare, we went to hers! We walked into the room that Mummy works in and suddenly she was swamped by babies just a little bit older than me and the kids my age just sort of sat there giving her filthy looks.
This I feel is tantamount to betrayal. I mean how would the dowdy wife in a Jackie Collins 'novel' react when confronted with the jiggly buxom 20 year old competitor? (Actually, I know the answer to this - she would have heaps of plastic surgery then shag the pants off the plastic surgeon.)Never fear, I've been paying Mummy back for her infidelity by waking up every hour three nights in a row .....
Payback is a bitch!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Alternative Milestones

As a baby, and a functional member of infant-kind, people seem to be always interested in how I'm going re. reaching my developmental milestones. You know, all the friends who ask "So, is he crawling yet?...No? Well my son was standing at 5 1/2 months!" "So, I guess Walter must be walking around, keeping you on your toes...No?...Well my niece was walking at 7 months" (You get the picture.) I am happy to say that I rolled at 11 weeks, I sat unassisted at 6 1/2 months, crawled at 10 months and can now pull up to a standing position, provided there's a piece of furniture there, or Nellie stands still.
Mummy, however tends to place far more importance on some more obscure milestones. Such as: first time I vomited on Daddy, first flushable poo,first temper tantrum, first time I tried to put on her shoes and the first time I used the remote control as a telephone. I dread to think what milestones lay ahead in the future- first time I bite one of my friends, first time I scream "You're not the boss of me!" or the first time I come home drunk and try to pretend I'm sober and that me and Lachlan were just watching videos?
I'm sure that Mummy, with her years of early childhood training knows what she's talking about, but are these really the things that the clinic sisters will be looking for at my next check up?
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go flush Daddy's keys down the toilet.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Now I'm just getting carried away
And now the finalists for World's Worst Nanna....

RIP, the competition
Thankyou to some...
A big thank you to Daddy, Unkie Al and Eleanor for your heartfelt comments. Sorry Dad, I cant make the comments button bigger....and sorry Al, any drunken photos of you in my possession are fair game. And Eleanor, did you know that you can crash the whole computer by mashing the buttons on the lower left corner of the keyboard? Particularly effective whilst Daddy is playing Warcraft, or Age of Empires, or Medieval Total War, or Rise of Nations or....or....or....
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Come on, give me something to work with here!
Okay, dear readers, I love you and all that, and appreciate you visiting The Wonderful World of Walter, but you all really suck at commenting. I ask you questions and get nothing- zip, zilch, nada! Should I change the aesthetics of the blog?.....no response. How have you been driving your parents insane?.....deafening silence! 

Come on feed a small boy's ego and leave me a comment!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Looks like Grandma was right....
Once upon a time, Mummy jokingly claimed in Grandma's earshot that there were no flies here in Canberra, Grandma replied that she knew for a fact that there was, because she'd seen all the dead ones on our window sills. Watching Mummy cleaning the kitchen today, I think Grandma was onto something.
(Notice our poor, drought addled lawn.....I actually sat on real lawn last weekend - strange stuff, that green grass, strange stuff.)
(Notice our poor, drought addled lawn.....I actually sat on real lawn last weekend - strange stuff, that green grass, strange stuff.)
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