Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy birthday to me!

A BIG thank you to everyone who made this the best birthday I've ever had!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Fulla!

Don't grow up too quickly. You haven't even met crazy aunty Moo yet and she'd like to meet you before you are bigger than her. I'm sure you have grand plans for Easter and lots of Aunties and Uncles all trying to feed you chocolate behind Mummy's back but if you feel like doing something a bit different, see if you can convince Mummy and Daddy to bring you to the beach for a holiday. You'll love it up here. There are special pools built just for little people (I sometimes use these). Aunty Moo and Uncle Bloody are having a big party in the park too with lots of food (I'm sure I can organise an egg for you) and drinks.
I know it will be a difficult job convincing Mummy and Daddy to come but you're just the man for the task.
Good Luck.
Aunty Moo xxxx.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a day full of fun with lots of pressies which is awesome! We did remember (you have the easiest birthday to remember but don't tell any of the others you know how they are...) and thought of you while we toasted the Irish... We are happy that you had great day.
Congratulations to your Mummy on her new job!! Thats awesome!
Take care little man and we hope you have twice as much fun as a one year old!!
Love Aunty Grub and The Gang