The International League of Infant Anarchists are proud to present the 2007 season of guerrilla warfare, subtitled, 'Bringing down the Matriarchy - Mother by Mother'. Our research and development arms have been working their nappy clad butts to the tail bone thinking of new ways to drive your grownups (particularly your Mummys) mad.Now I know that several of my friends have been continuing their work in the fields of sleep, mobility/exploration and nutrition. I, on the other hand have been labouring under the guise of 'separation anxiety'.
I have found that the most effective way of wearing Mummy down has been incessant whinging and crying. Mummy stands up, cue the crying. Mummy sits on the floor next to me, cue whinging and trying to climb to the highest point of her body. Mummy leaves the room, cue full blown screams with copious tears and body wracking shudders (my friend Tamika can make herself vomit at this point...something to work on). However, it is imperative to only display this behaviour to Mummy and occasionally Daddy, otherwise the Mum's group people, the clinic sister and the 'Mandas at childcare might actually believe what Mummy is saying and well, that would be just far too much validation for one day, wouldn't it?
I will need to work on tempering this assault with some moments of cuteness... or my days will be numbered.

So what have you been doing to further the cause and fight the good fight?
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