Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The fesitval of Mummy.

We apologise for this break in transmission due to industrial action related to Mummy having something called a birthday.
What are these 'birthdays', where does one get one, can you buy them at Target? I know I've never had a 'birthday' and if my memory serves me correctly, neither has Daddy in my lifetime. All I know is that Mummy got all dressed up and went out on Saturday night and then was no fun what so ever on Sunday. Then yesterday I had to do her a painting at day care and Daddy cooked her a special dinner, full of ingredients he doesn't really like, whilst she sat back with a soothing gin and tonic.
I want to know what all this is about....

I would have liked to include a terribly sexy photo of Mummy, but it would appear that Daddy's porn is corrupting our system...

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