To my dear members of The International League of Infant Anarchists,
Comrades, I feel that I must apologise for my disgraceful conduct of late. You look to me as a role model, as a leader in the field of infant anarchy.... and I have let you down.
Certainly there are some areas of guerrilla warfare that I have managed to 'maintain the rage' such as crying whenever the adults are out of my direct line of vision and my extensive research into projectile vomiting, but I feel I am sorely lacking in so many areas.
Apparently, (and Mummy is screaming at me not to type this in fear of activating Murphy's law.... No Mummy! Put down the wooden spoon, Mummy! I'll be a good boy, Mummy!) I slept through the night last night. I'm sorry, I am sooo sorry! I endeavour to never let it happen again.
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