Firstly, I would like to welcome all members to The International League of Infant Anarchists (herein known as the I.L.I.A.) and thankyou for your vital contribution to our research in the field of World Domination.
As you may know, that as part of our on-going feasiblilty study we recently canvassed your opinion on some grass-roots, guerilla warfare tactics of driving the adult oppressors mad. After exhaustive research and a lengthily collation project, we have found that the most effective methods of subversion are as follows:
1)eliciting unwanted Arsevice
2)Sleep and it's related issues
3)Phantom Teeth
4)Bodily Fluids on clean clothes.
Our research assistants found it fascinating that each member of the I.L.I.A. has their own unique specialty and we are proud to have such a varied range of talents in our midst. If you have any methods of subversion that we failed to investigate, please let us know so that we can honour your tactics.
Thankyou for your participation in this project, and remember that even the smallest act of rebellion can spark a revolution!
Edited to say - On a more personal note, I fufilled my duties as an Infant Anarchist by waking up six time last night before Mummy caved and took me to bed with her and then I did a massive and messy (if I do say so myself!) poo on the lounge room floor whilst Mummy and Daddy were drinking their coffee this morning!
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